Pass it Around

"If I made records for my own pleasure, I would only record Charley Patton songs." - Bob Dylan

Mashed Between Trains by Patrick Brennan The Band is Back?

Between Trains is the Band song you haven't heard.  It's also Robbie singing, and while he seldom used it with the Band, there were times the others encouraged him to sing.  In later rancor, Levon would say Robbie had a lousy voice, but it is really as unique and instantly characteristic as the others.  He sings in a pinched and strained entirely unique voice, and when you "know" it you can hear it often in their songs, if seldom the lead.  Between Trains is a good example, and had the bonus of other Band members Richard Manuel and Garth Hudson on the original track.  From 1982 King of Comedy Soundtrack.

Now the song has a few others!  Patrick Brennan wrote and sent me this gift!  Along with his son, Brennan created a mashup with his son, and it becomes one of the most beautiful tribute films to the Band!   Brennan earlier shared his fantastic Film THE BAND AT AT WATKINS GLEN I posted and raved about earlier. Thank you Patrick.